Discover how you can get involved

  • Car Donations

    We are looking for classic cars with solid frames and healthy bones that we can restore and auction off to the public. All proceeds go to the families of law enforcement officers who have been wounded or killed in the line of duty.

  • B4B Builder

    We partner with professional auto mechanics, auto body, paint shops, and auto suppliers to restore our works of art and maximize the donations to the families in need of our support. Our B4B Builder partners receive acknowledgment on our website as well as receiving free booths at our auction events

  • Other Needs

    Do you have a special skillset or own a business that might be able to support our cause? Let us know. Past partners have supported us with web development, printing, screen printing, car storage space, and equipment. We welcome any involvement to help further our cause.

Ready to get involved?

Send us an email letting us know how you would like to join our cause. Your involvement means the world to us.


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